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what is log4j

What to know about the Log4j vulnerability?


A vulnerability living inside a Java-based software known as "Log4j" shook the internet this week.

The list of potential victims encompasses nearly a third of all web servers in the world, according to cybersecurity firm Cybereason. Twitter, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple, IBM, Oracle, Cisco, Google, and one of the world's most popular video games, Minecraft count themselves among the slew of tech and industry giants running the popular software code that U.S. officials estimate have left hundreds of millions of devices exposed.

By Friday, more than 3,700,000 hacking attempts had been made to exploit the vulnerability, according to leading cybersecurity firm Checkpoint, with more than 46% conducted by known malicious groups.

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Sveiki atvykę į Infinity, [Bassxn2]! :) Log4j yra kompiuterio saugos problema ir 0-day problema, ir ji labai paplitusi, nes Log4j yra labai populiari biblioteka, naudojama visų rūšių programinėje įrangoje.

Gerai, kad tai lengva pataisyti:

– „Java 8“ Log4j į „>=2.17.0“. – „Java 7“ Log4j į „>=2.12.3“. – „Java 6“ Log4j į „>=2.3.1“. - ARBA pašalinkite zip -q -d log4j-core-*.jar org/apache/logging/log4j/core/lookup/JndiLookup.class

Ieškokite įsibrovimo pėdsakų:

Atkreipkite dėmesį, kad šis klausimas labai priklausomas nuo laiko, tai nėra ilgalaikis pasaulinis iššūkis. [pažymėtas iki galiojimo pabaigos]

Welcome to Infinity, [Bassxn2]! :) The log4j is a computer security issue, and 0-day-ish issue, and it's super-widespread, because Log4j is very popular library used in all kind of software.

It's good it's easy to fix:

  • Java 8's Log4j to >=2.17.0
  • Java 7's Log4j to >=2.12.3
  • Java 6's Log4j to >=2.3.1
  • OR remove zip -q -d log4j-core-*.jar org/apache/logging/log4j/core/lookup/JndiLookup.class

Lookup for traces of intrusion:

Take a note, that this issue is very circumstantial time-sensitive, it is not a long-term global challenge. [marked-for-expiry]

    :  -- 
    : Bassxn2
    :  -- 


Ačiū! Ir ačiū už išsamumą ir paaiškinimą, dėkingas. Pažymėjo.

Thank you! And thanks for elaboration and explanation, appreciated. Noted.

    :  -- 
    : Mindey
    :  -- 
