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Co-Existence Philosophy

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Humans impact life on Earth for all beings. Humans are part of a larger natural ecosystem but decisions are made only thinking about one specie - humans - and often only "selves".

Co-existence (coex in short) is a philosophy in progress that invites to reflect about ability to sense by various beings not just humans, an interconnectedness of all beings and inclusive life decisions.

So far coex principles are: Attention to feelings that signal the needs. Actions to satisfy the needs. Communication about the needs and actions.

Balsas (nebūtinas) (nesiųsti pranešimų) (nebūtinas)
Prašome prisijungti.

Tolesnis mąstymas yra labai sveikintinas. Pagrindinis klausimas - kaip gali egzistuoti savirealizacijos ir sambūvio poreikis?

Further thinking is very welcome. Key question - how can a need for self-actualisation and co-existence co-exist?

Pagrindinis klausimas, išaiškinantis ekonominę plėtrą: Kokios sąlygos būtinos sambūviui?

A key question that would redefine economic development: What kind of conditions are needed for co-existence?

// Žmonės yra didesnės natūralios ekosistemos dalis, tačiau sprendimai priimami galvojant tik apie vieną rūšį - žmones

Iš tikrųjų taip, ir labai svarbus dalykas. Šunys galėtų gerai išmanyti kvapų pasaulį, jei tik jie galėtų tai perduoti kitiems.

// Humans are part of a larger natural ecosystem but decisions are made only thinking about one specie - humans

Indeed so, and a very important point. Dogs could give a profound level of insight into the world of smells, if they could only translate that over to others.

Pagrindinis klausimas: Kaip mes galime suprasti kitų būtybių jausmus? Su kokia kalba?

Fundamental question: How might we understand feelings of other beings? With what kind of language?

// Kaip mes galime suprasti kitų būtybių jausmus?

Projektas pavadinimu „No More Woof“ [siekiama skaityti šunų smegenų bangas] (, verčiamas į kalba.

Naujas klausimas: ar šunys to nori?

//How might we understand feelings of other beings?

A project called 'No More Woof' aims to read dog brainwaves, translates to speech.

New question: do the dogs want this?

[transiency] It seems humans choose to monitor say dogs with brainwaves for the sake of promised understanding. Is there a different way?

How about humans stop "asking for evidence" and admit by default that all species have needs to exist.