Kibernetinė erdvė
Kas yra kibernetinė erdvė? Kaip ją pagerinti?
Nors daugelis mano, kad kibernetinė erdvė yra Interneto sinonimas, ji gali būti daug platesnė, ir reikšti informacijos keitimusi paremtą noosferą: komunikacijos erdvė naudojant įvairias terpes.
Document the world's entities like we document the functions of code, and build their network.
All ports, all protocols Internet browser. Open ports and support protocols to direct browsing of databases, and other internet resources, make web browsers support accessing them directly and nicely.
Create a polycontext metasymbol, and overcome the fact that standardization does not generalize.
Remdamiesi lygties ontologija, galime sukurti standartines duomenų kategorijų klasifikavimo super-kategorijas ir padaryti duomenis veiksmingesniais.
A service or tool to form interest groups by voting on features of ideas as part of reading.
A computer program-toolkit that helps individuals build world model by scanning networks and P2P crawling internet, leveraging their personal computer's accessibility.
Blog that works on your turf (e.g., server), yet has all the social networking and social media conveniences and capabilities.