Poverty of care
People don't care about what we're doing to try improve the world, most people don't care about anything outside their own families
How do you change people's minds?
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Suprantu, ką turi omenyje. Atrodo, kad tai dar viena kapitalizmo liga: bakterijos nesirūpina kitomis bakterijomis (kiekviena gyvena sau), o kūno audinio ląstelės, turinčios imuninę sistemą, reaguoja koordinuotai, bendradarbiaudamos, kad padėtų viena kitai ir palaikytų vienas kitą. Problema yra dėl to, kad trūksta platesnio savęs jausmo. Remiantis IIT, atrodo, kad norint sukurti platesnį savęs jausmą, tam tikros socialinio grįžtamojo ryšio kilpos turi būti svarbios.
I see what you mean. It looks like it is another disease of capitalism: bacteria don't care about other fellow bacteria (each one lives for itself), whereas cells of a body tissue with immune system responds in a coordinated, collaborative way to help each other and stand for one another. The issue is in the lack of wider sense of self. Based on IIT, it seems that to create the wider sense of selves, some kind of social feedback loops must important.