Schizophrenia Treatment Problem
The current schizophrenia treatment is a complex process which involves taking drugs and sometimes therapy. Often, some patients may disagree that they need the treatment at all because of the negative experiences they had: the side effects of drugs and the way hospitals treat patients. I'm curious about the more human and inclusive ways of treating schizophrenia.
Nėra sub-kategorijų.
metodas 高中开设医学学科
Sergu šizofrenija. Tai apsunkina gyvenimą, nei reikia.
I have schizophrenia. It makes life harder than it needs to be.
Man įdomus ryšys tarp žarnyno ir psichinės sveikatos.
A link between gut health and mental health is interesting to me.
// Man įdomus žarnyno ir psichinės sveikatos ryšys.
[Rūta], ar tai būtų „psichosomatikos“ kategorija?
// A link between gut health and mental health is interesting to me.
[Ruta], would that be a the category of "psychosomatics"?