Computer game for students: theory on the walls, problem solutions unlock the doors.
Crowd-sourcing Solutions to Really Big Problems
Imagine you want to solve a big problem X (place anything instead). For a concrete example, take human aging problem. The money is not a bottleneck. To solve it, you have to analyze the mechanisms of aging. For that you need people who understand the mechanism well enough to actually do useful computational and experimental work.
Much of it is computational, such as applying machine learning algorithms to do manipulate the data generated, - to be able to recognize a feature of a molecular structure, a pattern of asteroid distribution, or the possibilities in a network of chemical reactions of a human cell.
Here is where the 3D Study Maze video game comes in. It is a 3D labyrinth game, where each room's walls are covered in theory to be learned, and each door in a tunnel between the rooms contain a problem based on the theory in the room: to unlock the door, you have to solve the problem; and, as you move along to other rooms, you may need to use the theory of the previous rooms.
While entertaining kids, the game teaches them starting from the very basic mathematical knowledge and skills (integrating the Khan Academy videos and problem sets), to advanced university-level knowledge (integrating freely available material of on-line courses).
The game creates a motivational element: game players have to solve problems to go from one virtual room another. Curiosity is known to be sufficient to create game addicts across the world, but to increase the performance kids, and appease parents, we could offer extra monetary rewards for solving harder problems.
The educational problems would be only in the beginning of the game. Once the kids arrive to the place where they have skills necessary to do useful job, educational problems gradually are replaced by real life problems, placed in a similar way like advertisements are through Google AdWords program.
The type of problems a player is capable of efficiently solving will depend on the set of maze rooms that the kids were able to reach so far. This information will enable us to target real world business and academic problems to the right place of the educational maze, where the likelihood for a type of problem be solved is optimal, from perspective of the value of having the problem solved.
Each place in the labyrinth, of course, will have different price (different cost-per-placement), because there are different numbers of students in different places of the labyrinth, and the prices of problem placement would follow the supply-and-demand mechanics.
Now, to solve the big problems like aging or death, companies and research groups focused on those problems could leverage upon the resource. They could buy the placements from something like Google AdWords in the very places, where the likelihood of presence of a gamer with the right skills is the greatest.
The rest is in the details. The paradigm would work well not just because games motivate well, but also, because a part of the brain called hippocampus, involved in learning to navigate complex environments had been shown to be very neuroplastic, even for adults (goo.gl/t72Xk). (London taxi drivers were know to have large hippocampuses, but what's more impressive, new trainees also grow their hippocampuses significantly in just two years. We do have this magical piece in brain that learns as good as a young child.)
I originally posted on Halfbakery, here, and later shared on Google Plus here.
To tap into the hidden potential of addictive, explorative minds and neuroplasticity of hippocampus.
Who needs "Decentraland", when there's SecondLife?
In fact, this ⇡ video was made back in 2013, after testing this with a 2-year-old child, who figured out how to go forward, and whose mother had then wanted me to continue making the maze. I think, given continued focus on it, it is possible to imagine that parents would fund the learning paradigm, or be one more source of funding.
Aš iš tikrųjų praleidau apie mėnesį, tai yra maždaug {240} valandos, kad atlikčiau prototipą, kuris yra čia, ir baigiau doktorantūros studijas, kad išmokčiau tai padaryti . :)
I actually spent about a month, that is about {240} hours to do the prototype, which is here, and quit my PhD studies to learn to do it. :)
O taip, viskas taip pat paminėta mokykis ne vargo, o tai kaip kompiuterinį žaidimą.
Oh yeah, it's just as mentioned make learning not a chore, make it as a computer game.
Taigi, nes yra firestormviewer.org, leidžiantis naudoti „SecondLife“ sistemoje „Linux“, - tiesiog sudarykite sutartį su universitetu, kad parduotumėte jiems požeminių „Borg“ kubelių gamybos paslaugas „SecondLife“ ir samdyti esamus kūrėjus ir sukurti „Blender“ biblioteką, kad būtų galima automatizuoti „Borg“ kubo gamybą „SecodnLife“? (žr. nuorodą)
So, cause there is firestormviewer.org, allowing to use SecondLife on Linux, -- just contract with a university, to sell them service of making underground Borg cubes in SecondLife, and hire existing makers, as well as build library for Blender to automate Borg cube making for SecodnLife? (see link)
Galimybė: naudokite „brilliant.org“ problemas, „khanacademy.org“ vaizdo įrašus kartu su „secondlife.com“ panašiomis aplinkomis ir pergyventais galvosūkiais. Idėja: surenkite šių organizacijų susitikimą, įtraukite decentralizuotą šalį. Be to, atrodo, kad „[Dual Universe]“ (https://www.dualuniverse.game) yra tinkamos rungtynės.
Opportunity: use brilliant.org problems, khanacademy.org videos, combined with secondlife.com-like environment with puzzles to go through.
Idea: make a meeting between these organizations, include decentraland. Additionally, Dual Universe seem to be a good match.
Šis žaidimas galėtų imituoti įrangos pirkimą iš „Amazon“, „Alibaba“ ir kt., Kad ši įranga pasirodytų žaidime kaip virtualūs objektai, galintys veikti virtualioje medžiagoje, tokiu būdu mokydami vaikus, kaip vienus dalykus galima paversti kitais, naudojant įrankius: taigi kad jie labiau linkę pirkti tas priemones užaugę. Tai netgi galėtų padėti įmonėms parduoti daiktus, nes šie pirkėjai prieš įsigydami galėtų virtualų pasaulį prototipuoti.
This game could simulate buying equipment from Amazon, Alibaba, etc., to have that equipment pop into the game as virtual objects that can operate on virtual matter, that way teaching kids, how one things can be converted to others, using tools: so that they are more likely to buy those tools when they grow up.
It could even help companies sell things, as this buyers could prototype their set ups in virtual world before buying.
Praėjus keleriems metams, mintis galėjo būti sukurta nuo nulio, tačiau turint omenyje, kad yra Dual Universe ir Google AdWords ir Brilliant.org kaip problemų šaltinį ir Khano akademiją kaip mokomosios medžiagos šaltinį. , šiuo metu yra prasminga pereiti prie susijungimų ir įsigijimų ir aptarti galimą bendradarbiavimą su visomis šiomis šalimis, „AdWords“ pratęsiant „Google AdWords“ su AdLocks , dviguba visata su patirtimi. Idėjinis žaidimo vadovas ar konsultantas galėtų būti Davidas Münnichas, „Notpron“ ir „Supraland“ (https://store.steampowered.com/app/813630/Supraland) kūrėjas. Manau, kad „Gleb Skibitsky] (https://skibitsky.com) (mintys apie 3D internetą švietimui) ir„ Second Firma “Firestorm viewer„ SecondLife “kūrėjai taip pat gali būti puikūs konsultantai. .
Kita vertus, decentralizuotai probleminių vietų rinkai taip pat pateikiamas protokolo lygio įgyvendinimas. Tam tikrų tipų problemoms gali būti net lengviau patikrinti sprendimus. Be to, „UpWork“ gali būti pramonės užduočių šaltinis tokioje labirinte. Tik įsivaizduoti, kiek žmonių dėmesio tai gali pritraukti ir nukreipti į prasmingą problemų sprendimą ir švietimą, yra blogas. Manau, kad turėčiau pasikalbėti su žmonėmis, ir galbūt galime ką nors aistringai dirbti.
A few years back, the way to realize this idea might have been to build something from scratch, but considering that there's Dual Universe and Google AdWords, and Brilliant.org as problems source, and the Khan Academy as an educational material source, currently, it makes much sense to go M&A approach, and discuss a possible cooperation with all these sides, tasking Google AdWords with AdLocks as extension of AdWords, the Dual Universe with the experience side. An ideological gameplay leader or consultant could be David Münnich, creator of Notpron and Supraland. I think Gleb Skibitsky (thoughts on 3D internet for education), and creators of Firestorm viewer for SecondLife may be great consultants as well.
On the other hand, protocol-level implementation for decentralized marketplace of the problem placements, is also on the table. For certain types of problems it may even be easier to verify solutions. Additionally, UpWork could be the source of tasks from industry in such a maze. Just imagining how much people's attention this could capture and direct towards meaningful problem solving and education is mind-bloggling. I think I should talk with people, and maybe we can someone passionate working on this.
Mindy: Su naujaisiais metais ~ Aš dirbu švietimo srityje. Pagal jūsų idėjas turėčiau sugebėti padaryti tai, kas tikrai naudinga žmonėms. Kaip pradėti?
明迪:新年好〜 我在教育行业,根据你的想法,应该可以做一些对人类真正有益的事情。该如何开始呢?
Ačiū [trumpalaikiškumas], laimingų ir naujųjų metų. Manau, kad vienas iš būdų pradėti yra GeoCaching naudojimas su studentais, kur geocache'as atrakina kitas pasaulio vietas. Mūsų pasaulis jau turi gana daug vietos. Pagalvokite apie namų darbų problemas, dėl kurių atsiranda naujų vietų. ;)
Thanks [transiency], happy new year as well. I think the one way to start is to use GeoCaching with students, where geocaching unlocks further locations of the world. Our world has got quite a lot of space already. Think of homework problems that lead to new locations. ;)
// pagalvokite apie namų darbų problemas, dėl kurių atsiranda naujų vietų //
myliu tai! tinka ir verslo pradžios mokymams
// think of homework problems that lead to new locations //
love this! suits business startup training too
Viena iš mano idėjų, kuri, kaip suprantu, gali būti susieta su XMaze, yra mintis sumažinti problemos sudėtingumą ir atskleisti ją kaip metaforą ir panaudoti metaforą, kad būtų galima paskatinti tikrąjį dalyką. Pagalvokite apie kompiuterio našumą. Ar galėtume kompiuterinį apdorojimą įsivaizduoti kaip srauto ir automobilio diagramą ir leisti žmonėms išbandyti skirtingus automobilių išdėstymus, sankryžas ir žiedines sankryžas? Ir reguliuoti kelio plotį ir ilgį bei tinkinti įvairius atributus, kad būtų sukurta greitesnė programinė įranga?
One of my ideas, which I realise could be linked to XMaze is the idea of reducing the complexity of a problem and exposing it as a metaphor and using the metaphor to drive the real thing. Think computer performance. Could we visualize computer processing as a flow and car diagram and allow people to try different car layouts and junctions and roundabouts? And adjust road width and length and customise various attributes to create faster software?