Mod-Laws of Physics
Try to change the laws of physics, and verify if we are at base reality or not.
I have one very observable thing - the laws of physics. If we were at base reality, arguably, the laws of physics would be part of it, as an object, which we can change. For now, we have zero evidence that someone would have changed the laws of physics. So, the idea is to run experiments to try to change the laws of physics at large. For example, change the Speed of Light, or something else that we can measure very precisely.
Of course, we can predict the consequences of changing the constants. For example, changing gravitational constant would result in change of planet orbits and densities of matter (e.g., intensification in the number of supernovas). This could be an avenue for observational evidence.
On the other hand, if it is the fact (which it seems to be) that we don't see the laws of physics as separate modifiable objects, then it arguably suggests that we are not at base reality.
Your critique is very welcome -- would it work, or why wouldn't work.
Ar mes sprendžiame fizikos dėsnius 3D realybėje? ar 2D ar 4D?
kaip jie suvokiami kiekvienoje dimensijoje ir kokį įrankį naudojame šiems dėsniams „skaityti“? Manau, protas yra tinkamas įrankis?
Ir jei „protas“ seka tik 3D, tada mus valdo tai,
bet kadangi „žmogaus sąmonė“ pagal nutylėjimą „skaito“ kitus matmenis nei 3D, tai ar žmogaus sąmonė galėtų „pakeisti“ tuos 3D „dėsnius“?
kaip "tirpti šaukštą"? o gal tai „pilno proto“ ar žmogaus proto galia vienybėje su „natūraliu“ protu? nu kol kas tik klausimai..
Are we addressing laws of physics in the 3D reality? or in 2D or 4D?
how are they perceived in each dimension, and which tool do we use to "read" these laws? I guess Mind is the tool right?
And if "mind" follows 3D only, then we are governed by these,
but as "human consciousness" as default "reads" other Dimensions than the 3D, then would human consciousness be able to "change" those 3D "laws"?
like "melting th spoon"? or is that the power of "full mind" or the human mind in onesness with the "natural" mind? oh well just questions for now..
// Ar 3D realybėje atsižvelgiame į fizikos dėsnius? ar 2D ar 4D?
„Fizikos dėsniai“ turiu omenyje ryšį tarp matavimų kontroliuojamomis, atkartojamomis aplinkybėmis. Ryšiai gali būti deterministiniai arba tikimybiniai. Taip, mes gyvename stebimoje 3 1D erdvėje, taigi, matavimai šioje erdvėje.
// kokį įrankį naudojame šiems dėsniams „skaityti“? Manau, protas yra tinkamas įrankis?
Idealiu atveju, naudojant instrumentus ir kelis protus, o ne tik vieną protą.
// ar žmogaus sąmonė sugebėtų "pakeisti" tuos 3D "dėsnius"?
Mes nežinome, taip pat nežinome, ar koks nors įrenginys gali pakeisti fizikos dėsnius netoliese ar visame pasaulyje.
Tačiau jei kas nors ar kažkas pakeistų fizikos dėsnius, kaip mes žinotume, ar dėsnių kintamumas nėra vienas iš dėsnių? Žmonija pradėtų tyrinėti, kaip keičiasi įstatymas, atsižvelgiant į tai, nuo ko priklauso, ir vadintų tą pakeitimą – nauju įstatymu.
// Are we addressing laws of physics in the 3D reality? or in 2D or 4D?
By "laws of physics", I mean, relationships between measurements under controlled, replicable circumstances. The relationships could be deterministic or probabilistic. Yes, we live in observable 3+1D space, so, measurements in this space.
// which tool do we use to "read" these laws? I guess Mind is the tool right?
Ideally, by instruments and multiple minds, not just a single mind.
// would human consciousness be able to "change" those 3D "laws"?
We don't know, neither do we know if some device could change the laws of physics within a vicinity, or globally.
However, if someone or something did change the laws of physics, then how would we know if the mutability of the laws isn't one of the laws? Humanity would start investigating how the law changes with respect to whatever it depends on, and call that change - a new law.