Create a list of join queries that would be useful cross institutions


In designing this data liquidity system, we should have some idea of the kinds of questions we want to answer

YAML Idėja

Some questions that I'd like to answer

  • Find flats/apartments for sale that are within my price range that are near a train station and supermarket shop
  • Find knowledge or keywords that is correlated with higher salaries (machine learning)
  • Search for meal plans that I can buy that cover my calorific requirements and activity level
  • Find jobs that are within 10 minutes commute to me

(nesiųsti pranešimų) (nebūtinas) Prašome prisijungti.

Kaip tai pavadinsime? Pagrindinis gyvenimo intel? Kalbant apie darbus, šiomis dienomis jums labiau tiktų nuotolinis ir tolimas atstumas, nebent ieškote darbo kaip treniruotės. ;)

What shall we call this? Basic life intel? Regarding jobs, in all likelihood, you are better off with remote and long-distance these days, unless you are looking for job as workout. ;)

Tikslas yra rasti tarpinstitucinius prisijungimus. Dalykai, kuriuos sunku turėti neturėdami duomenų vienoje duomenų bazėje.

The goal is to find cross institution joins. Things that are difficult without having the data in one database.