ziu P&L: -2 (≃ -18 EUR)
Portable digital diary for breeding ideas. It is designed to speed up capturing solo deep thinking for multiple topics on the go (e.g. when walking in the forest).
PHASE 1: Note-taking app with file storage for mobile. PHASE 2: Mini tablet that fits a pocket.
FEATURES: Captures physical notes. Stores digital notes, images, files. Organises solo thinking into research, synthesis (ideas), projects with tasks, goals with habits, archive.
UI: Interface is based on symbols for reducing cognitive load when capturing thinking on the go: "0" means questions or research notes. "~" means ideas or synthesis. ">" means projects with tasks within. "!" means goals with habits within. "-" means archive.
METHODS: Content organisation is inspired by inquiry, design research, Kanban/Agile, life goal setting and habit tracking, knowledge management. It gives a sense of rythm so it is easy to learn and build a habit to think effectively. It encourages a user to explore widely (Questions) and narrow down to get specific (Ideas), go wide again (Projects) and narrow down (Tasks). It also includes traditional life goal setting and habit building space, archive as a personal knowledge library.
COMPETITORS: Evernote, WorkFlowy, HabitBull, Dropbox, Google Drive, Moleskine.
MARKET: Deep work.
ONGOING PROTOTYPING: notes.ruta.io and personal Workflowy list.
Veiklos informacija
Project is open for collaborations. Technical solution could be open source to encourage scale i.e. that more people develop a habit to think effectively and produce self-driven deep work.
Oho! Gražus naujas logotipas, ir įdomu pamatyti pasikeitimą :) Projektą pervadinote iš AKie į ziu :) Tiesą sakant, „AKie“ skambėjo labai japoniškai, kaip ir Kokono. Įdomu, kaip jūs svorį tarp prekės ženklų?
Btw., Jūs galite turėti skirtingus pavadinimus skirtingų kalbų pavadinimuose, tiesiog naudodamiesi intarpų sintaksėmis, aprašytomis [help] (/ help /).
Wow! A nice new logo, and it's interesting to see a change :) You've renamed the project, from AKie to ziu :) Actually, "AKie" sounded very Japanese, like Kokono. Wondering, how did you weight between brands?
Btw., you can have a different names in the title for different languages, just by using the inline syntax described in help.
// Pavyzdžiui, pirmieji trys simboliai: ["0", "~", ">"] sutampa su tuo, ką mes turime su H-Base kaip ['Kategorijos', 'Idėjos', 'Projektai'] //
„0“ individualaus mąstymo registravimas reiškia „netvarką“, o ne konkrečius tikslus ar tyrimo klausimus. Tai minčių srautas prieš įvykstant sintezei.
// For example, the first three symbols: ["0", "~", ">"] coincide with what we have with H-Base as ['Categories', 'Ideas', 'Projects'] //
"0" in individual thinking logging means "a mess" rather than specific goals or research questions. It's a stream of thoughts before synthesis happens.
// "0" reiškia klausimus ar tyrimų pastabas. <br>
// "~" reiškia idėjas ar sintezę. <br>
// ">" reiškia projektus su užduotimis. <br>
// "!" reiškia tikslus su įpročiais. <br>
// "-" reiškia archyvą.
Tai kažkaip siejasi su [Tagfixes] idėja (/ method / 184 / tagfixes) ir apskritai mūsų pragmatinio informacijos organizavimo būdo paieška. Pavyzdžiui, pirmieji trys sibolai: [„0“, „~“, „>“] sutampa su tuo, ką mes turime su „H-Base“ kaip [„Kategorijos“, „Idėjos“, „Projektai“] ir [„!“ ] taip pat patenka į ['kategorijas'] pagal H-bazės ontologiją: * [Turint tikslus (= kategorijas) kyla idėjos, kurios, savo ruožtu, veda prie planų (= projektų), bent jau teoriškai.] (/ pagalba) * , bet asmeniškesnis. :)
O, aš mačiau, kad jūs darote kažką panašaus į savo „DreamWidth“! Simboliai yra gražūs!
Na, priešingai, kuriant projektą ir tikimės, kad pasidalinsite darbo rezultatais čia „H-Base“ :) Manau, kad verta pasitarti su dizaineriais ~ Tiesą sakant, AFAIK _ [Neruthes] (/ vartotojas / 199 / Nervai /) _sužavėjo aistra, visada tobulindami ir tobulindami esamų svetainių dizainą, naudodami scenarijus [Scrlo] (https://github.com/neruthes/Scrlo) ([demonstracinė versija] (https: // twitter). com / neruthes / status / 1237839106266107904)).
Laukiu dizaino ir demonstracinių variantų!
// "0" means questions or research notes.
// "~" means ideas or synthesis.
// ">" means projects with tasks within.
// "!" means goals with habits within.
// "-" means archive.
It somehow relates to idea of Tagfixes, and overall our search for pragmatic way to organize information. For example, the first three sybols: ["0", "~", ">"] coincide with what we have with H-Base as ['Categories', 'Ideas', 'Projects'], and ['!'] also falls under ['Categories'] according to H-Base ontology: Having goals (=categories) leads to ideas, which in turn leads to plans (=projects), at least in theory., but more personal. :)
Oh, and I've seen you do something like that on your DreamWidth! The symbols are nice!
Well, contratulations with creating a project, and looking forward to you sharing work results folks here on H-Base :) I think having a consultation with designers may be worth a shot~ Actually, AFAIK Neruthes's got a passion for it, always making and tinkering with design improvements to existing sites using scripts at Scrlo (demo).
Looking forward to designs and demos!