⬜️ Dokumentas: Apibendrinti atsiliepimai iš 5 testų
⬜️ Žinutės 5 žmonėms su prašymu ateiti ir išbandyti kūrybingą mokymosi patirtį vaizdo skambučiu ir pateikti atsiliepimų
⬜️ 5 potencialių bandytojų sąrašas
⬜️ Mokymosi patirties aprašymas – ką noriu išbandyti
⬜️ Document: Feedback from 5 tests summarised
⬜️ Messages to 5 people asking them to come and test a creative learning experience via a video call and provide me with feedback
⬜️ List of 5 potential testers
⬜️ Learning experience description - what I want to test
Projektų atnaujinimo kvietimas suplanuotas balandžio 22 d., 11 val. UTC
Projects update call scheduled for April 22nd, 11am UTC
⬜️ Svetainės atnaujinimas pagal naują spiralių siužetą
⬜️ Website update based on a new plot of spirals
Products (time of materialising over a reachable layer to obtain with relevant price exchange for it.)
How Are Products born? and how can they affect us if it became unhealthily born in possible external distortions. ?
Products DIMensions (a continues thought on the 5-In 5-Out proposed containers of all.
Product Name Description Media Product type category collections Attributes Variants Price
Above is what Saleor organises it:
*This post is about my process of determining the parameters, and may be deleted after conclusion. *
The Templates:
The STAGES. from knock-knock to bye-bye. (a to z)
classified with "guilds" / "unions" Identified by Material .
### Product Name الوصف Description وصف المنتج الكاتالوج أنواع سعر Media Attributes //الصفة/ Product type نوع Variants الصنف/ category الفئة collections Price صنف، صفة، مواصفة، نوع، شكل
☑️ Šrifto atnaujinimas: Rubikas, skirtas korpusui, o ne Quicksand, siekiant pagerinti tinklaraščio skaitomumą
☑️ Pertvarkytas tinklaraščio archyvas su kategorijomis kaip skyreliais ir konkrečiu įkėlimu kiekvienoje skiltyje
☑️ Vieno tinklaraščio įrašo šablono atnaujinimai (antraštė, turinys, interaktyvus)
☑️ 87 tinklaraščių dizaino redagavimas ir nustatymų keitimas iš juodraščio į paskelbtą
☑️ Peržiūrėjęs savo tinklaraštį supratau savo vertės pasiūlymą, todėl atnaujinau pagrindinį puslapį su savo procesu ir įrankiais
☑️ Galerija šalia Atsiliepimų
☑️ Pradėjome fasilitatoriaus puslapį
☑️ Sukurta apie puslapį
☑️ Dizaino koregavimas: nėra mygtukų kraštinės spindulio, kontaktų formos laukelių ir nuotraukų; spalvos (tekstas pasirinktas kaip geltonas), paprastesnė poraštė, naujienlaiškio formų koregavimas
☑️ Pagrindinio puslapio vertimų atnaujinimas
☑️ Greičio optimizavimas
☑️ Font update: Rubik for body instead of Quicksand to improve blog readability
☑️ Redesigned a blog archive with categories as sections and specific post-by-category loading in each section; each post as a card with title only to resemble a look of paper sticky notes
☑️ Single blog post template updates (header, body, responsive, breadcrumbs)
☑️ Editing the design of 87 blogs and changing settings from Draft to Published
☑️ After reviewing my blog, I realised my value proposition, so updated a homepage with my process and tools
☑️ Gallery next to Reviews
☑️ Started a facilitator page
☑️ Made about page
☑️ Design adjustments: no border radius for buttons, contact form fields and photos; colors (selected text as yellow), simpler footer, newsletter forms adjustments
☑️ Translations update for homepage
☑️ Speed optimisation
Sukūriau 17 minučių vaizdo įrašą apie Odoo nustatymą jūsų serveryje. Vėliau tęsiu pridėdamas daugiau informacijos, kaip labai pigiai paleisti kelias svetaines vienoje duomenų bazėje ir paleisti kelias svetaines keliose duomenų bazėse tame pačiame serveryje (kurį galėtumėte paleisti ir namuose).
I made a 17-min video about setting up Odoo on your own server. I'll later continue by adding more info, how to very cheaply run multiple websites on one database, and run multiple websites on multiple databases on that single server (which you could also run at home).
☑️ Sukūriau Google My Business profilį (dėl vietinio SEO)
Create a comprehensive FAQ for groundedstream.com.
(@mindey I am using to this website to stream my conciousness, I will get better with time for a solidified communication in its right place, Feel free to remind me of any rules. thx) this project is dates to 2 days only, after it, will grow as progressed
Why does it exist:
- we save time by anticipating the events and questions/demands
- It helps answer high frequency information requests,
- The main entities in this platform:
- The buyer (PC*) entity 1 peer consumers (demand)
- The community (PP*) entity 2 peer producers (producing)
- The stakeholder (no-direct communication with other entities)
- Grounded stream team (Part of the eco-system shapers team engagement: constant with big rest times)
- The Designers [BRANDS] (PPA) entity 3: Peer Partners
This FAQ should address mainly USERS?
I think only main users, so the PP, PC, and PPA
PC <-> PP secondary relationship: PPA <.> PP They are both PRODUCERS.
Third being the PPA <-.-> PC
The role that is an output of the above dynamics: - The crafts trainer (by-product)
Examples of Personas:(keep suggesting in comments) - individual designer, farmer, artist, community heads, grafiti artist, calligraphy artist, beauty products designer, etc. ....
FAQs to ask
FAQ-1 what we are
FAQ-2 Addressing the main Entity, the core entity is ---> PProducer- These are the comunities
PP would ask:
- what is this?
- why am i here?
- what do you want from me?
- how can I be part of this?
- can I make money participating?
- how can I make money?
- If I have a design and I'd like to produce it, will you help me?
- What else can you help me with?
- What do I pay? Whats the bait?
- Anything else? write us:
PC would ask:
- what is this
- why am i here
- how can I beenfit
- How much?
- How can I share my own requests if I dont' find a ready solutions?
+PPA would ask*
- How can I find communities to work with me?
- how to connect with them?
- how can you help me produce more?
- do you offer promotions for designers or artists? how?
- How can I use this platform to my advantage?
other question?
I think the above is enough... Or what would a stakeholder ask? or the by-trainer ask as someone who could benefit from this ecosystem?
stakeholder: * How can I help? * How can I know about specific communities? * How can I share feedback?
The BP (I made up this entity: By-Peer (for now) * I teach videos and create many things, how can I be involved? (direct them to the media team, they can shoot a video in our space and we will promote it for them.
Apie puslapį, paremtą 3 pomėgiais/fonais: Gyvenimo sistemos, Startuoliai, Art
About page based on 3 interests/backgrounds: Living Systems, Startups, Art
☑️ Sukūriau ir nušlifavau anglišką svetainės versiją (pvz., antraštę, mygtukus, spalvas ir kt.)
☑️ I made and polished the English version of the website (e.g. Header, buttons, colors, etc.)
☑️ Įsirašiau WordPress lietuvių kalba su man reikiamais įskiepiais (Elementor, Yoast, etc.)
☑️ Sukūriau "header" su Elementor su reklaminiu šūkiu "namisėdos kuria"
☑️ Šriftų, spalvų redagavimas ir kt. stilistikos "Site Settings"
☑️ Žurnalo archyvo bei individualių įrašų dizainas su pavyzdiniu tekstu ir paveikslėliais
☑️ reCAPTCHA V3 ir el.paštas
☑️ Nauji šriftai: Poppins ir Quicksand
☑️ Naujos spalvos: rusvas fonas, violetiniai atspalviai
☑️ Naujas tinklaraščio archyvas ir vieno tinklaraščio maketas su naujienlaiškio formomis ir recaptcha v3, sukurta naudojant Elementor
☑️ Dizaino sprendimai: antraštė, poraštė, aplanko galerija, kontaktų forma, mygtukai, meniu rodyklė ir kt.
☑️ Nauji puslapiai: pagrindinis puslapis (EN ir LT kalbomis), web dizainas (EN)
☑️ „Calendly“ sąranka ir integravimas
☑️ New fonts: Poppins and Quicksand
☑️ New colours: brownish background, purple shades
☑️ New blog archive and single blog layout with newsletter forms and recaptcha v3 designed with Elementor
☑️ Design decisions: header, footer, portfolio gallery, contact form, buttons, menu pointer, etc.
☑️ New pages: homepage (in EN and LT), web design (EN)
☑️ Calendly setup and integration
Butter.us skambutis numatytas balandžio 1 d., 12 val. UTC
Butter.us call scheduled for April 1st, 12pm UTC
⬜️ update SEO in Yoast
⬜️ add info to websites pages about ui/ux and web content strategy as part of website design service
⬜️ add website pages on art direction, illustration
⬜️ add website pages on prototyping, design sprints
⬜️ update url in local listings
⬜️ Kad svetainė veiktų https://www. ar man reikia pridėti šią svetainės versiją prie GA? arba nustatyti peradresavimą iš https:// į www?
⬜️ Ar dar ko nors man reikia norint atkurti SEO?
⬜️ for a website to work on https://www. do I need to add this version of website to GA? or setup some redirect from https:// to www?
⬜️ anything else I need to do re SEO?
⬜️ how to change an email from which kokono.ie sends a contact form confirmation from ruta@ to hello@kokono.ie, if only ruta@ is on google workspace? hello@ is only an alias...
⬜️ how to make so that emails sent to hello@ go to both, ruta@ and malu@, if hello@ is only an alias on google workspace? can this be set on siteground? or is siteground irrelevant because now all mail is managed by google workspace?
☑️ Sujungtos Miro lentos su senais (2kokono) ir naujais (ogiziu) prekės ženklų aprašymais
☑️ Sutvarkėme „Miro“ plokštę, kad būtų patogiau naudoti (kad būtų žinomi tolesni veiksmai)
☑️ Merged Miro boards with old (2kokono) and new (ogiziu) brand descriptions
☑️ Tidied our Miro board for ease of use (to have a flow of what the next steps are)
Klausiausi Malu apie tai, kaip praėjusią savaitę ji peržiūrėjo interviu su asmenimis ir planavo įžvalgas programoje Excel.
Man atrodo, kad jiems reikia „laiko sau“, savęs pažinimo, tyrinėti kelias tapatybes, išmokti eksperimentuoti ir žaisti
Malu nori sukurti emocinio išlaisvinimo patirtį per gamtos ryšį
Kiti Malu žingsniai: baigti interviu analizę, balandžio-gegužės-birželio mėn. turinio planas, skirtas Eco Anxiety
I was listening to Malu about how last week she was reviewing interviews with personas and mapping insights in Excel
To me, it feels they need “time for themselves”, self-knowledge, to explore multiple identities, learn to experiment and play
Malu wants to create emotional release experiences thru nature connection
Malu next steps: finish interview analysis, April-May-June content plan for Eco Anxiety