We mapped the story of the workshop against activities, created each activity, confirmed the next steps
We mapped the main structure of the workshop against activities, discussed each activity in detail and refined, confirmed the next steps: setting up miro, testing miro, finding testers and overall experience
18,938 9:03 | ➔ | 1.9999999999999991 ħ |
Just before sleep I imagined the main idea of the workshop based on our story, how two bubbles become one butterfly, and it sparks butterfly effects in society, when people are not afraid of interacting with strangers
Together we created a new Miro account and a board for our workshop, downloading from our minds what is our intention for a workshop, key questions, ideas for activities, rules, and a core workshop structure, the key activity to be created soon
Together we created a new Miro account and a board for our workshop, downloading from our minds what is our intention for a workshop, key questions, ideas for activities, rules, and a core workshop structure, the key activity to be created soon
I attended a workshop with a book publisher & a book agent and created an elevator pitch that explains what my book is about in seconds
Pirmiausia sukūrė šį scenarijų, aprašytą čia, kuris yra patogus generuojant didelių aplankų maišą naudojant „.manifest“ failą. , ir „.sign“ failą, kuriame yra dalyvių RSA parašai eilutėje. Šią galutinę SHA256 maišą galima saugoti įvairiose blokų grandinėse, kad būtų įrodyta autorystė ir darbas.
(Lauko pridėjimas buvo labai greitas, tačiau „bash“ scenarijaus derinimas užtrukdavo periodiškai.)
Primarily, created this script, described here, that is convenient for generating hashes of large folders via a .manifest
file, and .sign
file, that contains line-wise RSA signatures of participants. This final SHA256 hash could be stored in various blockchains for proof of authorship and work.
(Adding the field was very quick, but debugging bash script took some periodically time.)
- Sudarė galimybę išplėsti komentarus pagrindiniame rodinyje.
- Numatytoji įvesties suma yra HUR, o ne HOUR, – mažiau paini.
- Made it is possible to expand comments in home view.
- Made default entry amount is HUR, not HOUR, -- less confusing.
Related tx: etc-0x5bdcab49fccbdbe7af2e3f7b444a06962538...
18,933 9:03 | ➔ | 0.48 ħ |
For buying HOUR.
For selling HOUR.
For buying HOUR.
For selling HOUR.
For buying HOUR.
For selling HOUR.
I'm working on realizing "productization of targets", via this ownership model, as part of funding targets ("bounties for targets", as [kriz] requested).
Checkout cart - make it work.Bounties for Targets.Transition to decimal time. Overview."0oo credit system: enable domains to sell theħ
- i.e., every domain owner, like 0oo.li, o2oo.io, mugen.moe, sumanymai.lt, etc. to work as system's ħ credit seller.Every user's own personal project must exist to maintain each user's credit amounts correctly, when the credit issuing organization sells them.Add button to charge targets/milestones.
Sukūriau būrelio turinio aprašymą.
For buying HOUR.