Aukštesnės kategorijos: MenasOceansHuman Relationships with Water.

Oceans Language

How can oceans communicate between them and us, humans?

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Why should we, humans, have to understand the language of the ocean? There is one or many languages there? Each ocean have their own sounds, "words", tone of voice?

Sub-kategorijos: Sound of Living Systems.

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Good point [malü]! How can we relate to water if we don't understand their language? Hmm!

Have you explored Cymatics? (I know little about it myself, but it's about how water changes based on music/ sounds/ vibration/ frequency. So perhaps Oceans could be understood this way?

    : malü
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And by "Ocean", you mean -- life forms within the oceans? Or "Ocean" in general, as a body of water and all that's in it? From perspective of information theory and physics, anything that interacts -- communicates. E.g., body skin cells may be communicating with the bone marrow, etc., but we are not saying that it's super important for us to understand that language.

When it comes to oceans, obviously, they have many intelligent forms of life, but similarly, I would presume, that not every communication or language is worth learning -- some processes work best, when they are given freedom to play out without interaction with 3rd parties.

What I would find meaningful -- is the communication links between humans and the intelligence within the oceans...

// Each ocean have their own sounds, "words", tone of voice?

I'd suggest not over-anthropomorphize oceans -- they are full of diverse life, each with their own voice, and language, communications signals, and it's that -- where intelligence resides, not the body, just imagine a dolphin asking -- "Terrestrial Language"? What it could be? Do contitents speak? No -- it's the creatures that live on them speak.

Oh, btw.: I'd suggest watching a movie LIFE BEYOND II, to grasp of the aspects of life. A good movie.

    : malü
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Thanks Ruta and Mindey!

I'm going to search about Cymatics and relate to Ocean, i mean Ocean in general, as a body of water and all that's in it.

Definitely want to explore this // the communication links between humans and the intelligence within the oceans...

Thanks for the suggestion of not over-anthropomorphize Oceans! And also for the movie, i'm going to watch it

Your feedback make me have new Qs: Wich / How is the communication system (or systems) that keep balance in Oceans? Are the same systems in Pacific, Atlantic, etc?

This puzzle start because i want to create a series of short talks between Pacific and Atlantic Oceans about climate change and how they are deeply afected, but thats again my antropocentric point of view trying to "put some voice" to the ocean. Any suggestion to avoid this bias is more than welcome!

    : Mindey, Ruta
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Pakartotinis komentaro bendrinimas iš mūsų balso pokalbio [malü]: Įvairių rūšių, gyvenančių vandenynuose, garso pavyzdžius būtų galima perkurti dainoje (kaip kaip muzikantas Pogo remiksuoja filmų pavyzdžius. Tai sukurtų * jausmo * vandenyno būtybių patirtį (muzika sukelia jausmą!), Užuot bandžiusi „suprasti“ visų šių įvairių vandens būtybių kalbas, ko galbūt niekada ir nepadarysime.

Kita vertus, man atrodo, kad žmonės „skaito“ kitų gyvų sistemų kalbas analizuodami, ieškodami bendrų modelių. Į galvą ateina tai, kad vandens bangas skirtingose vietose galima išmatuoti ir paversti dažniais, o paskui - melodijomis ar duomenų vizualizacijomis ar simboliais (jei einame į vaizduojamojo meno kryptį). Manau, čia vėlgi daugiau apie tyrimą ir ryšį su vandenynais sąveikos metu, o ne tikslaus atsakymo į tai, kaip vandenynai kalba.

Resharing a comment from our voice chat [malü]: Sound samples of a variety of species living in the Oceans could be remixed into a song (just like a musician Pogo remixes samples from movies). This would create an experience of feeling the Ocean creatures (music evokes a feeling!), rather than trying to "understand" the languages of all these various water creatures, which we may never do.

On another hand, it seems to me that humans "read" the languages of other living systems through analysis, by looking for general patterns. What comes to mind is, water waves in different locations can be measured and turned into frequencies, and then into some melodies or data visualisations or symbols (if we go into visual arts direction). Again here, I guess, it's more about exploring and relating to the Oceans through interaction, rather than looking for the exact answer of how Oceans speak.

    :  -- 
    : Mindey
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