Making Sure We Use Time Effectively

How to make sure that we maximize utility of our time?

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Every day, humanity spends %%>1.37%% mln. years of subjective wakeful time (16 hours x 7.5 bn. people). Given one efficient genius, this amount of personal time may be sufficient to create wonders, to recreate all technologies that we have created in the recent millenia of humanity's evolution. Why we don't have faster progress, converting all those new discoveries from labs to mass production in seconds?

Some people spend that time in useful ways, some not. It is important to analyze how do the most efficient people spend their time, and see how we could adopt the productivity and wisdom patterns they use more broadly, and create scaling infrastructures to make humanity accelerate the progress much more efficiently than today.

Balsas (nebūtinas) (nesiųsti pranešimų) (nebūtinas)
Prašome prisijungti.

To negalima nuvertinti. Mūsų laikas yra ribotas, ir jei neišmoksime skirti daugiau laiko (turiu omenyje, tiesiogine prasme, dirbame prailgindamas gyvenimą), jo pritruksime. Taigi, balsuokite už tai.

This cannot be understated. Our time is limited, and unless we learn to make more of time (I mean, literally, working on extending life), we will run out of it. So, a vote for this.

Televizija turi keistis. Šiuo metu programavimas yra bukas arba yra bendras vardiklis. Darbas užima didžiąją dalį žmonių budrumo valandų, todėl darbo laikas taip pat turi keistis. Galbūt iki keturių dienų darbo savaitės. Tada pagaliau žmonės turi laiko ir jėgų kurti daiktus.

Television has to change. Programming is currently dumb or for the common denominator. Work takes up the majority of people's waking hours, so working hours have to change also. Perhaps to a four day working week. Then finally people have time and energy to create things.

    : transiency, Ruta, seva
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Kas naudinga vienam ir visiems?

What is useful for one and everyone?

Neskaitykite atsitiktinių knygų, kurias jums dovanoja žmonės, skaitykite knygas, kurios sukuria temą.

Don't read random books that people give you, read books that build up a theme.

Time doesn't have to be productive. We are not insects. We don't have to work all the time. We need leisure. Most people don't get enough leisure because they're struggling in a capitalist system.

That said our work could be that much more valuable. It doesn't have to make someone rich it just needs to push the envelope.

Time doesn't have to be productive. We are not insects. We don't have to work all the time. We need leisure. Most people don't get enough leisure because they're struggling in a capitalist system.

That said our work could be that much more valuable. It doesn't have to make someone rich it just needs to push the envelope.

    : Mindey, bauhouse
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// Time doesn't have to be productive. We are not insects. [...]
// It doesn't have to make someone rich it just needs to push the envelope.

Yeah, agree with you here, [chronological]. We should not force people to be productive. If they are productive, it should come from their inner drive. The point is, if we want the wonderful futures promised by the good sci-fi, then finding out resources or hidden resourcefulness is important.

Jenny Odell knyga „Kaip nieko nedaryti: pasipriešinimas dėmesio ekonomikai“ yra vieno žmogaus kelionė efektyviau išnaudoti laiką, sąmoningiau sutelkiant dėmesį į gyvybės susigrąžinimą iš tų, kurie norėtų užsidirbti pinigų ir monopolizuoti mūsų dėmesį.

Jenny Odell’s book, How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy, is one person’s journey to use time more effectively by focusing attention more intentionally toward reclaiming life from those who would want to monetize and monopolize our attention.

    : transiency
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Kvantinės mechanikos argumentas pripažįsta gyvenimą kaip energijos srauto procesą tarpusavyje susijusiuose ir tarpusavyje susijusiuose santykių tinkluose.

Gyvenimas kyla iš laiko, energijos ir materijos santykių.

Aš sieju šias sąvokas su vaizduotės laiku, energija projektuojant ir ištekliais kurti tokį pasaulį, kuriame norime gyventi. Manau, kad norint ištirti, kaip mes įsivaizduojame, projektuojame ir kuriame ateitį kartu, geriausiai panaudoti savo laiką, energiją ir išteklius.

The quantum mechanics argument recognizes life as a process of energy flow in interconnected and interdependent networks of relationships.

Life arises from the relationships between time, energy, and matter.

I relate these concepts to the time to imagine, the energy to design, and the resources to build the kind of world that we want to live in. To explore how we imagine, design, and build the future together, I would think, would be the best use of our time, energy, and resources.

    : Ruta
    : Mindey
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Manau, kad turėtume atmesti ir atsiriboti nuo plačiosios visuomenės supratimo apie produktyvumą.

Labai daug laiko praleidžiu laisvalaikiu, nieko nedarydamas, tik leisdamas mintims klajoti. Iš čia kyla mano idėjos.

Laisvalaikis yra toks pat vertingas, kaip ir kažko kūrimas, kad kažkas galėtų mėgautis. Turėtume švęsti neveiklumą, nes tai reiškia, kad esame turtingi. Jei galime būti neveiklūs, mums nereikia vargti, kad išgyventume.

Šurmulio kultūrą ir produktyvumą nustato naujienų kompanijos, o influenceriai yra skatinti žmones kiekvieną paskutinę pabudimo minutę skirti vartojimui ir darbui, kad kiti žmonės taptų turtingi. Tai neteisingas požiūris į produktyvumą.

I think we should reject and distance ourselves from the mainstream public's understanding of productivity.

I spend a very large portion of my time in leisure doing precisely nothing but letting my mind wander. This is where my ideas come from.

Leisure is just as valuable as creating something for someone to enjoy. We should celebrate idleness because it means we are wealthy. If we can be idle we don't need to toil to survive.

Hustle culture and productivity are prescribed by news companies and influencers is to encourage people to spend their every last waking minute consuming and working making other people rich. This is wrong way to look at productivity.

    : Mindey
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