Imaginary auction shop


Why not a shop with imaginary products and services in it? And you bid the price that you want to pay for that product, you also commit to long term spending on the product, you actually stake money, so if the product is created, you are obligated to pay for it

YAML Idėja

Getting sustainable products and services into the world is extremely expensive and takes extreme amounts of effort to bring a product into the world. What if we could minimise the risk?

So why not let people vote with their wallets?

You kind of need an MBA and have credentials to be CEO and run a public company.

Most businesses fail, most startups fail, most venture capital is lost, most restaurants fail. There's occasionally a few unicorns that are worth £££ billions but most spend investor money and have losses and no profits. See most restaurant startups and Uber as examples.

So this imaginary website is where marketing professionals create beautiful copy and beautiful imaginary products and services and cost it all. Then people vote how much they're willing to pay for that service.

beautiful, demand signalling.


(nesiųsti pranešimų) (nebūtinas) Prašome prisijungti.

Padirbti, kol nepadarysi? Tai man primena generacinės paieškos idėją, kuri buvo mintis, kad turėtume sukurti neegzistuojančius produktus, kad patenkintume paieškos poreikius. Nebloga mintis už juos (produktų modelius) balsuoti ir net finansuoti. Aš už tai.

// Taigi ši įsivaizduojama svetainė yra ta vieta, kur rinkodaros profesionalai kuria gražias kopijas ir gražius įsivaizduojamus produktus bei paslaugas ir visa tai kainuoja.

Manau, idealiu atveju, kaip minėta ankstesnėje idėjoje, šis darbas būtų labai automatizuotas...

Kai kuriems produktams (pvz., techninei įrangai ir mechaninėms sistemoms) tai turėtų veikti gana gerai. Kita vertus, kai kurie gaminiai, pavyzdžiui, mobilieji telefonai, tapo tokie panašūs vienas į kitą, kad visi jie atrodo kaip dėžutės su apvaliais kampais, o skirtumus būtų gana sunku užfiksuoti pagal jų pagrindinę išvaizdą. Žmonės ieško pagal funkcijas ar prekės ženklus. Keista, kaip prekės ženklai tampa produktais.

Fake it until you make it? This reminds me the idea of generative search, which was a thought that we should generate non-existing products to satisfy search needs. It's not bad idea to vote for them (models of products) and even fund them. I'm all for this.

// So this imaginary website is where marketing professionals create beautiful copy and beautiful imaginary products and services and cost it all.

I think, ideally, as mentioned in the previous idea, this work would be highly automated...

For some products (like hardware and mechanical systems), this should work quite well. On the other hand, some products, like mobile phones had become so similar one to another, that all of them look like boxes with round corners, and it would be rather difficult to capture the differences by their basic appearances. People search by features or brands. It's weird how brands become products.

Ši idėja man primena kai kuriuos projektus sutelktinio finansavimo platformose. Į kitą etapą jie patenka tik tada, kai sutelktinis finansavimas pasiekia / viršija nustatytą finansinį tikslą. To nepadarius, finansuotojai atgauna pinigus ir projektas arba nevyksta, arba turi eiti kitur, kad surinktų lėšų.

This idea reminds me of some projects on crowdfunding platforms. They only get made / progress to the next stage if the crowdfunding reaches/surpasses a set financial target. Failing that, the funders get their money back and the project either doesn't progress or has to go elsewhere to raise funds.

    :  -- 
    : Mindey
    :  -- 
