Peristaltic naturally artificial heart


A non-contact artificial heart, based on aorta (or another large vessel) and series of inflatable (with air or liquid) cuffs which wrap around it.

YAML Idėja

So, one of the problems with artificial hearts is that it's not good to have non-natural materials in contact with blood for long periods of time. Clotting and grot-deposition is a problem, as is the junction between natural and artificial components.

How about a non-contact artificial heart? The surgeon would first dissect the aorta (or another large vessel) free of surrounding tissue, but without cutting it. The artificial pump would consist of a series of inflatable (with air or liquid) cuffs which wrap around the aorta. Individual cuffs can be inflated squeezing the aorta) or deflated. By inflating the cuffs in sequence, from one end to the other, you'd create a peristaltic wave travelling down the aorta, pumping the blood along.

The blood would not come into contact with anything non- natural; there is no blood-tight connection to be made anywhere; and the mechanical action should be gentle on the blood cells.

Credits: [MaxwellBuchanan] of HalfBakery.


(nesiųsti pranešimų) (nebūtinas) Prašome prisijungti.

[PaulHDear], ar jūs neprieštaraujate, jei aš susiečiau jūsų idėjas nuo „Halfbakery“ iki čia?

[PaulHDear], do you mind, if I link to your ideas from Halfbakery to here?

Sveiki Mindey, tikiuosi, kad šis atsakymas jus pasieks. Taip, šiaip ar taip, susiekite su mano HB idėjomis :-)

Hi Mindey, hope this reply reaches you. Yes, by all means link to my HB ideas :-)

Visomis prasmėmis :-)

By all means :-)

Na, neseniai pamačiau automatinio CPR metodą (patikrinkite [←( : li: veikla: 6393926713293705216)), atrodo žymiai pigiau, tikriausiai, ką turėti kiekvienuose namuose.

Well, recently saw the Auto-CPR approach ( check ), looks way cheaper, probably something to have at every home.

Nieko naujo šiais laikais? Nuobodu, kai „Halfbakery“ neveikia ...?

Nothing new these days? Not bored, when Halfbakery is down...?

// Visomis prasmėmis :-)

Liūdna matyti jus, Maxą ... Taigi, aš galvoju atgaivinti jūsų idėjas čia, pakeisti ateitį ir praeitį ir iš tikrųjų jas realizuoti per panašiai įdomų procesą, kad jos buvo aptartos.

Ir aš girdžiu jus sakant, šiaip, šiaip sau._

// By all means :-)

It's sad to see you go, Max... So, I am thinking of bringing your ideas to life here, to change the future and past, and actually getting them realized through a similarly fun process, that they were discussed.

And I'm hearing you saying, do so, by all means.