Adversarial companies


Adversarial companies are adversarial companies designed to topple international organisations funded by governments

YAML Idėja

If competition is good, then it follows that...

Big companies rarely do things efficiently or fairly, they don't compete.

We should make big companies sweat by writing a blank check for companies designed to topple other big companies to do things better than them.


(nesiųsti pranešimų) (nebūtinas) Prašome prisijungti.

Na, didelės ar mažos įmonės yra įrankiai vyriausybės, jei jose įregistruotos. Paprastai didelės ir klestinčios įmonės tokiomis tampa dėl pasitikėjimo valdymu ir atstovauja ne vienam produktui, o keliems valdomiems produktams ir komandoms, taigi jos labiau panašios į portfelius, o ne į įmones per se.

Tarkime, kad norite sukurti konkurentų įmonę. Tai reiškia sukurti konkuruojantį portfelio valdymą.

Taigi, kam turėtume rašyti čekį - kitam konkuruojančiam portfelio valdytojui (nes tokiu lygiu jie būtų finansiškai konkuruojantys), ar jūs tiesiog turite omenyje konkretų produktą? Jei konkretaus produkto konkurencija, tai pradedančiųjų finansavimas jau sukuria spaudimą steigtis, tačiau tai paprastai nėra finansinė konkurencija įmonei, nes jie perka startuolius, todėl jie tampa savo valdymo portfelio dalimi.

Well, companies, big or small, are tools of governments, if registered with them. Usually, large and prosperous companies become such because of trust in management, and represent not a single product, but a number of products and teams being managed, so, they are more like portfolios rather than companies per se.

Now, suppose you want to create a competitor company. That means creating a competing portfolio management.

So, who should we write the check to -- another competing portfolio manager (as that's the level at which they would be financially competing), or you just mean product-wise competition? If product-wise competition, then funding startups already creates pressure to establishment, but that is not generally a financial competition to the establishment, as they are buying up startups, make them part of their management portfolios.