Human superorganism
Our blood vessels carry food, oxygen and nutrients to our cells which each then do their work. The cells of our body are selfless - how do we create communities that are selfless
If you look at our society from the sky you can see arteries which are roads which carry nutrients to shops. Where people buy things by exchanging money. Like cells exchange waste products with nutrients in the blood. The blood cells do their job without asking for anything in return. They take oxygen freely from the lung without having to provide anything in return.
I reject game theory when it comes to society. I think cooperation could lead to a better use of resources. I think wealth aggregating at the top is a symptom of corruption in society's founding values. Society could be more efficient.
People aren't assigned jobs based on their skills. They have to apply to them by themselves. It's a very inefficient process with much conflict of interest. Rarely is a relationship between employee and employer balanced. It's pretty one sided.
I want society to evolve past a selfish individualistic approach into one that benefits everybody by being part of the superorganism. Every work should be rewarded - collecting litter, childcare should all be rewarded in kind. Muscles that work hard are rewarded with more blood and nutrients.
But hard work in society does not involve reward - it usually results in more work to be done.
Would someone do childcare for free if their needs were all met? Food, shelter, bills?
If every human is trying to improve supply lines to make disbursement of shelter, nutrients more efficient. Money is an abstraction it should be used for good.
If we look at the rates at which nature moves - we can say that nature moves very slowly. An animal only exerts effort when it needs to eat. Humankind on the other hand is always busy. It is an artificial business that stems from being dependent on money and 40 hour work weeks. Farmers don't need to work 40 hours a week to feed us all - nor does anybody else. It's only benefitting rich stockholders.
In nature there is no concept of ownership. There is only territory. And it's temporary. For mating. For shelter. For nestlings. That's an artificial limitation on our freedom that keeps us docile and away from achieving independence. If independence is impossible in a world where all the land has a use then we need to get better at working for eachother. It means we need to redefine what contributing to society means. I don't think it means work a job.
Perhaps everybody could have a score which is a balance of what one has contributed to the whole. It goes from negative value to positive value. If you have positive value you can redeem nutrients from society. If you have negative value then you cannot receive goods yet.
There would be a work market that people could do which shifts your scale positive. Collecting litter. Working a water treatment plant. Stacking shelves in a shop. Giving a lift to a worker to work. Writing something. Creating a painting. All would improve your score because they benefit society.
The concept of having a job will disappear. You can pick and choose what you want to do each week. You gain a large variety of skills.
We don't reward the hardest jobs. They pay the least. The most desperate work them. We live in a hierarchical society and nobody does a thing about it. Everybody in the middle classes and above benefits from this arrangement because they don't have to get their hands dirty.
Lying and cheating goes far and we don't punish it in our society.
Tai, ką jūs pasiekiate, vadinu laiko bankininkyste. Jūs gaunate bendruomenės kreditus už laiką, skirtą bendruomenei, už paslaugą. Tai tas pats kaip pinigai. 1 valandą darbo pavadinkime shenanogino doleriu, S1. Tada galite pasakyti, kad visi mano bendruomenės nariai dirba už 50 USD per valandą. Taigi, jūsų kursas yra S1 = 50 USD. Žinoma, tai supaprastinta. Ekonomikai reguliuoti galima pridėti visus mechanizmus. Bet esmė - pinigai gimsta iš gerumo, o ne skolos, kaip tai daro doleris. Tai daro visą skirtumą. Kitas geras dalykas yra tai, kaip mes galime sukurti tokią ekonomiką dideliu mastu. Tam skirta „blockchain“, tuščias lapas. Visi esame užsiėmę alternatyvios ekonomikos kūrimu „blockchain“. Su keliomis kodo eilutėmis galime sukurti laisvės ekonomines struktūras, besivystančias, savarankiškas. Vis dėlto mes sukurtume burbulą, jei viskas suktųsi ant debesies. Mums reikia žemės, kurti bendruomenes ant žemės, iš tikrųjų gaminti apčiuopiamas prekes ir paslaugas, iš tikrųjų kažkam padėti. Taigi, aš siūlau sukurti tuos bc orgus, daos, turint aukštą moralinį tikslą remti tokias bendruomenes. Siūlau mūsų organizacijai skirti žemės dotacijas nusipelniusioms bendruomenėms. Leiskite atpirkti mūsų planetą už gerą kainą, nes doleris žlunga prieš kriptovaliutą. Dabar laikas išplėsti burbulą virš planetos. Tai prasidės kaip sveiko proto ir gerumo burbuliukai, sukuriantys naujos kultūros sėklas. Mūsų internetinės organizacijos priemonės ir ekonominės struktūros padės šioms bendruomenėms klestėti. Klestėjimas pritrauks kitus, o „commie“ virusas skleisis, o kultūra pasikeis, kai mokysimės dalytis ir bendradarbiauti - visa tai vardan meilės ir žmonijos. Mes bendrai peraugsime į protingesnę kolektyvą per savo nuorodas internete. Štai kodėl aš esu interneto kūrėjas. Ar pastebėjote, kad ši revoliucija nesunaikina, bet remiasi ankstesne sėkme ir apima visus, įskaitant ir kozirį
What you getting to is what i call timebanking. You get community credits for time vested into community, for doing favors. Its same as money. Lets call 1hr of work a shenanogins dollar, S1. Then, you can say everyone in my community works for $50/hr. So, you got exchange rate of S1=$50. Of course, its simplified. All kinda mechanisms can be added to regulate the economy. But, the point of it, Money is born out of kindness, not debt as dollar does. That makes all the difference. How do we create such economies on large scale is another good subject. Thats what blockchain is for, a blank slate. We are all busy creating alternative economies on blockchain. We can create economic structures of freedom, self evolving, self governing, with a few lines of code. Still, we would be creating a bubble if it all revolved on the cloud. We need land, to build communities on the ground, to actually produce tangible goods and services, to actually help someone. So, i propose to create those bc orgs, daos, with a high moral goal of supporting such communes. I propose dedicating our org to distribute land Grants to deserving communities. Lets buy our planet back, at a good deal, since dollar is crashing against crypto. Nows the time to extend o ur bubble over the planet. Itll start as bubbles of sanity and kindness, creating seeds of new culture. Our online org tools and economic structures will guide thise communes to prosperity. Prosperity will gravitate others and the commie virus will spread, and the culture will flip, as we learn to share and to collaborate, all in the name of love and humanity. We will collectively evolve into a smarter collective being, thru our links over the web. Thats why im a web dev. Did you notice, this revolution does not destroy, but builds on previous success, and includes everyone, including trump
[chronologinis], nors aš turiu panašius panašius jausmus apie dabartinę visuomenę. Btw., Jūs vis dar neturite jokio metodo, bet norimos būsenos, todėl [pažymėta kaip ketinimas]. „Oo“ idėjos yra ne tik šviesios „mintys“, bet ir „metodai“, atsakantys į „kaip“ aspektą. Mintis būti supraorganizmo dalimi yra patraukli, nes skirtingai nei bakterijų konkurencija, audinio augimas, yra remiamas organizmo - kraujas suteikiamas ir moduliuojamas siekiant paremti aukštesnius superorganizmo tikslus.
Vis dėlto yra problema, leidžianti egzistuoti tik vienam superorganizmui. Įsivaizduokite džiungles, kurios nėra ekosistema, o gerai prižiūrimas kompiuteriu valdomas sodas. Tokiame sode jūs galite turėti laisvės žaisti, bet jūs negalėjote pakeisti paties sodo dizaino, nes viskas būtų homeostatiškai kontroliuojama - nesvarbu, ką sulaužysite ar pakeisite parametrus, bus atstatyta - remiantis vienu projektu. Jei sodo gyventojai dabar negalėtų redaguoti sodo kodo, jie būtų beveik pasmerkti gyventi kažkokioje autokratijoje.
Yra du išėjimai: (1) leisti įvairiems gardentams egzistuoti ir judėti tarp jų. (2) leidžiant gyventojams modifikuoti sodo šaltinio kodą. (pvz., šiek tiek panašiai kaip kuriant kodą, naudojant traukimo užklausas)
(2) metodas būtų gana ribotas, nes didėjant sode esančių gyventojų skaičiui ir įvairioms asmenybėms būtų vis sunkiau susitarti, kuris turėtų būti įgyvendintas, ir būtų nelaimingi žmonės.
(1) metodas yra lankstesnis, tačiau kiekvienam sodui reikia daugiau išteklių (pvz., Kaip nauja debesų kompiuterijos sistema).
Dabar kyla dar vienas klausimas-ar norite būti tam tikro superorganizmo dalimi ir kokiam konkrečiam superorganizmui norėtumėte priklausyti-ir manau, kad tai yra kultūrinis-ekonominis-ideologinis klausimas. Net ir šiandien žmonės, gyvenantys skirtingose šalyse, gali būti šiek tiek panašūs į skirtingus sodus, o „“ kontekste aš taip pat galvojau apie užsiėmimus (aprašiau čia /0xE34A06A52C1b57CBEe4001f8dF6991BCAffDbE10/)). Dažnai kultūra turi tarnauti misijai. Naujos įmonės išlieka veiksmingos atrenkant darbuotojus, dažnai galvoja apie darbuotojus kaip apie šeimą, o kai kurios šalys bando taip galvoti apie savo piliečius.
Verta pagalvoti, kokia kultūra galėtų paversti mus superorganizmu, kuriuo norėtume būti.
[chronological], while I do share similar similar sentiments about the current society. Btw., you still have no method here, but rather, a desired state, so [marked-as-intent]. Ideas on "oo" are meant to be not merely bright "thoughts", but "methods" answering the "how" aspect. The thought of being part of the supraorganism is attractive, because unlike the competition of bacteria, the growth of a tissue, is sponsored by the organism -- the blood is granted, and modulated to support the higher goals of the superorganism.
There is a problem with allowing only a single superorganism to exist though. Imagine a joungle that is not an ecosystem, but rather, a well-cared computer-controlled garden. Within such garden, you may have freedom to play, but you could not change how garden itself is designed, because everything would be homeostatically controlled -- whatever you break or shift parameters, would be rebuilt -- based on a single blueprint. If the inhabitatns of the garden now could not edit the garden code, they would be pretty much doomed to living in some kind of authocracy.
There are two exits: (1) allowing the diverse gardents to exisat, and move between them. (2) allowing the inhabitatns to modeify the source code of the garden. (e.g., a bit like in code development, with pull-requests)
The (2) approach would be quite limited, because with the increasing number of inhabitants within the garden, and diversity of personalities, it would be increasingly hard to have an agreement, which "pull-request" should be implemented, and there would be people unhappy.
The (1) approach is more flexible, but requires more resources (e.g., like a new cloud computing system) for each garden.
Now, there is another question of -- do you want to be part of a particular superorganism, and what kind of particular superorganism would you like to be part of -- and I think that is a cultural-economic-ideological question. Even today, people living in different countries can be a bit like in different gardens, and, in context of, I was thinking of the pursuits as well (described it here). Often, culture has to serve the mission. Start-up companies remain efficient by employee selection, often thinking of employees as family, and some countries try to think of their citizens that way.
It's worth thinking what kind of culture could make us into a superorganism that we'd like to be.
Noriu būti organizuotas arba paskirtas superorganizmu, remiantis vertybėmis, su kuriomis sutinku. Aš perkelčiau namus link žmonių, kurie tiki tais pačiais dalykais. Jei visi tai darytų, galėtume turėti regionus, kuriuose žmonės tikėtų tais pačiais dalykais. Kaip kaimynystėje, kuri nori UBI iš tarybos, o ne iš centrinės valdžios. Bristolis turi savo valiutą Jungtinėje Karalystėje - ji yra lygiavertė svarui.
I want to be organised or assigned a superorganism based on the values that I agree to. I would move homes towards people who believe the same things. If everybody did this, we could have regions where people believed the same things. Like a neighbourhood that wants UBI from the council rather than from central government. Bristol has its own currency in the UK - it is paralell to the pound.
Štai dar vienas būdas pažvelgti į tą marinatą. Mūsų visuomenė, ekonominė struktūra, yra santykių, ryšių tarp žmonių ir organizacijų grafikas. Grafikai turi tikrai nuostabią savybę. Galite juos sluoksniuoti, pridėdami naujų mazgų ir nuorodų. Tiesiog pridėjus naują struktūrą, sulaužoma senoji. Ir ... štai ką aš siūlau padaryti, sudaryti naują grafiką ant esamo, sugadinti bet ką, panaudojant tuos pačius žmones, galbūt pridėti naujų lygiagrečių orgų, pakartotinai panaudojant senus, individualiai. Žmonės nuspręs, kaip. Viskas, ką mums reikia padaryti, tai suteikti priemones ir, labai svarbu, raktą, perduoti viziją. Tik įrankiai nepadės. Turime įkvėpti, uždegti tą ugnį, pasėti sėklą, prarasti godumą, mylėti vienas kitą. Tai nėra sunku, visi yra pasiruošę. Ir mes nesame ypatingi. Tas gaisras visur prasideda. Mes esame vienas iš daugelio ir susiliejame, labai greitai, greičiau, tada gali išsigąsti kontrolės keistuoliai.
Heres another way to look at that pickle. Our society, economic structure , is a graph, of relationships, links between people and orgs. Graphs have a really cool property. You can layer them up, by adding new nodes and links. Just adding new structure wo breaking the old one. And,... thats what i propose to do, to build new graph on top of existing one, wo breaking anything, using same people, maybe adding new parallel orgs, reusing the old ones, on individual basis. The people gonna decide how. All we need to do is provide the tools and, very important, the key, pass the vision. Just the tools not gonna do the job. We need to inspire, to light that fire, to plant the seed, to lose the greed, to love each other. Its not hard, everyone is ready. And, we are not special. That fire is getting started everywhere. We are one of many, and we honna merge, super quick, faster then control freaks can freak out.