Ecosystem of communities


A network of communities, each governed as a dao, mutually vested, regulated thru nft contracts, neighbor helping neighbor, building common economy as interlinked net of economies

YAML Idėja

Suppose, we have a set of tools for creating a typical DAO of a community in the net. Also, we have tools to create monetary system, trade, organize work, collect funds for public projects, do the governance. The rules and bylaws are part of an NFT contract. But, first of all, how would the land be acquired? That can be done by creating a coin, raising the money.

How would everyone be vested and work be done to build the commune?

By the rules of a DAO formed around the community. Heres one scenario proposed. A coin is issued based on square footage of the land. Stakeholders invest either money or promise, a contract, to perform work in the future. When enough money raised, land is acquired, and work begins. As workers fulfill their contracts, they gain shares, and the original investor shares get diluted, but the land value grows, the coin appreciates and it all balances out, and hopefully better then that. In meantime, community uses online tools to manage the money and govern itself.

Easier said then done. Its hard to raise money. Any ideas?

Yes. Suppose, there are other communities, in a supportive net, that are willing to invest into the budding community. Specifically, another community would vest funds to buy enough coins for land purchase.


Many reasons. The main one is the common culture. The other one, its a nobble deed. But its better then that. The risk to each member of a donor community is spread out. The decisions are made communally, so common sense prevails to minimize risks even further. But theres even better upside. Its the common prosperity and freedom. As the new community prospers, supported by interested and vested neighbors, and workers fulfill their work contracts, the coin grows. Workers gain shares and ownership, donors, most likely, gain upside on their investment. Besides, that investment is always backed by the land value. As their shares get diluted by workers shares, the share value grows. Everything should always balance out, with risks spread out, and responsibility shared.

The real motivation is freedom!!!

So, now everyone in both communities has shares and coins to go along with it. How would they use those shares? They can come and live on that land, they can trade it for goods and services, or they can get cash, dollars or some other coin.
But imagine, there are many communities in the network, each with its own economy and rate of exchange. SO, anyone can trade shares in one community for shares in another one , on the other side of the globe, and go live there for a while, and learn a few things. Perhaps someone got tired of living on the beach windsurfing and decides to go ski in the mountains. NO PROBLEM. Safe travels, dont have to bring much, we got you covered. Oh yeah, the network has a travel fund if help is needed.

In closing, id like to say the growing bubble of crypto currency is not sustainable without some tangible goods and services produced on the ground. All activity on the cloud is overhead. We have to support and build economies and communities on the ground. Might as well build them based on the culture of sharing and freedom.

What would it take to come true?

Its a scalable, self organizing structure. Once its seeded,itll have life of its own. Unstoppable, outside of control of any control freak. The key is to provide the right tools to get it started, besides planting the spark of an idea, but I think that spark been striked. What we have to do is build supporting tools, and get a few experiments going as proof of concept. The tools should include types of DAO contracts, for typical use cases. These can be traded on the blockchain and developed by community. Still, a few seeds are needed. There must be organizational tools to empower these budding communities to create and run their economies, to create monetary systems, systems of responsibilities and governance. I envision types of organizations floating on the blockchain as an ecosystem supporting the net. Any reasonably intelligent person would be able to compose an organization for his use case out of types supplied by other communities, proven and tested, without any coding experience. Everyone needs a voting or decision making system, a community forum or other comm tools, tasking system, monetary system. Theres a lot of commonality.

How would communities keep from turning into rigid corp like hierarchical organizations?

Its a cultural thing. Yes, many people dont have any other experience but hierarchical institutions. However, the tools we would provide would be geared towards flat grassroot types. Im also convinced that tools can be built to steer communities towards the happy middle. Its a dynamic balance, that should be maintained by each community, thru a democratic process. In general, people like freedom,given a chance. We will give them that chance. I simply trust the good side over evil.

So, lets get busy.

Its a lot of work, organizing, connecting, learning, coding, physically building, but mostly loving and living, in freedom.

Heres a sample of a proposed DAO contract for a single community:

INTRO The semi-sentient DA👾 uses land ownership and contract law to slowly gain control of all the vertically-integrated supply-chains required to host itself and all the workers it needs to survive and propagate.

BOOT The DA👾 searches for Land suitable to build permacultured eco-villages. The DA👾 mints fungible 1 earthChange Coin for each ft² of Land. The DA👾 then auctions those earthChange to buy that Land. The total supply of earthChange is limited by ft² of Land. earthChange does not represent Land Ownership!

START The DA👾 now issues Product Tickets as claims against Future Production. The DA👾 then auctions Product Tickets for Work Contract signatures.

RUN You gain Land Ownership as you fulfill Work Contracts. Land Ownership preallocates Future Production to you.

GROW Owners propose new Product Tickets to govern Future Production. Owners selling surplus should 'reflect' some profit to those users as land ownership.

FORK Subgroups must be able to divide Land (draw borders) to localize control. Individuals must be able to split from groups by choosing other Land(?)


(nesiųsti pranešimų) (nebūtinas) Prašome prisijungti.

Žemės ženklinimo idėja nėra labai nauja (žr. Nuorodą apačioje). Vis dėlto aš sveikinu optimizmą, kad žmonės su juo džiaugsis.

// Taigi, bet kas gali iškeisti vienos bendruomenės akcijas į kitos, kitoje Žemės rutulio pusėje, akcijas, kurį laiką ten gyventi ir sužinoti keletą dalykų.

Čia labai vėlu, bet - o kaip tie visi žmonės, kaip minėta [chronologiškai], tie, kurie neturi žemės? Kaip jie šoktų į šį tarpžemyninį dalijimosi žeme džiaugsmą?

Pabandysiu rytoj pabudęs pažvelgti giliau, iki to laiko, galbūt kiti tai padarys. :) Toliau galvok. ^^

The idea of land tokenization isn't very new (see the link at the bottom). That said, I applaud the optimism that people will share it with joy.

// SO, anyone can trade shares in one community for shares in another one , on the other side of the globe, and go live there for a while, and learn a few things.

This is very late here, but -- what about all those people, like [chronological] mentioned, those without land? How would they jump onto this intercontinental land-sharing joy?

I'll try to look deeper when I wake up tomorrow, by then, maybe others will. :) Keep thinking. ^^

btw, ne kiekviena bendruomenė turi būti žemės savininkė. Kai kurie gali būti platinami, skaitmeniniai kariai. Tai yra labiausiai tikėtina, kad pirmieji startuoliai pasodinami ant žemės. Tiesiog mintis. Žinau, kad šiuo metu daugelis bendruomenių bando kurti. Jiems reikia pagalbos.

btw, not every community has to be a land owner. Some can be distributed, digital warrior types. Those are the most likely to seed first startups on the ground. Just a thought. I know of many communes trying to form right now. They need help.

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    : Mindey
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Aš neturiu visų atsakymų, tik viziją. Niekas neturi visų atsakymų. Ateitis miglota. Greičiausiai jis vystysis kitaip. Taip, esu tikras, kad tai nėra visiškai nauja idėja. Tai kas? Raskime tuos žmones ir bendradarbiaukime. Kuo labiau marginalas. Tai yra visa idėja, geros idėjos sklinda kaip vilkas, nes visi turi tą pačią idėją. Tikrų svajotojų trūksta pradinės sėklos. Tikrieji svajotojai yra tie, kurie sukuria struktūrą, tada kiti svajotojai užpildo struktūrą ir ją plėtoja. Mano minėti įrankiai reikalingi. Tai faktas. Žmonės nori kurti bendruomenes. Tai faktas. Jie neturi lengvo būdo sukurti internetinę organizacijos struktūrą, kuri yra brangi ir daug darbo reikalaujanti. Kai turėsime įrankius jiems padėti, prasidės visi fejerverkai. Tai tik vienas scenarijus. Taip, kiekvienoje vietoje bus skirtingai. Mes galime tai pervertinti iki mirties ir planuoti iki smulkmenų, ir niekas to neįvyks pagal šį planą. Turime sukurti tuos įrankius. Tai viskas, ką žinau. Ir mes turime sukurti tuos įrankius ne vakuume, o konkrečiais naudojimo atvejais ant žemės, bet mes galime lengvai pradėti nuo pagrindų, tada pritaikyti programose.

I dont have all the answers, just a vision. No one has all the answers. Future is murky. Itll most likely develop in a different way. Yes, im sure its not entirely new idea. So what? Lets find those folks and collaborate. The more the marrier. Thats the whole idea, good ideas spread like wilfire precisely cos everyone has the same idea. Whats missing is the starting seed, by the true dreamers. The true dreamers are those that create the structure, then other dreamers populate the structure and evolve it. The tools i mentioned are needed. Thats a fact. People want to build communes. Thats a fact. They dont have an easy way to create online org structure, its expensive and labor intensive. Once we have tools to help them, all kinda fireworks will start happening. This is just one scenario. Yeah, itll be different,in each locale. We can overthink it to death and plan to smallest detail, and none of it gonna happen by that plan. We need to build those tools. Thats all I know. And we need to build those tools not in a vacuum, but for specific use cases on the ground, but we can easily start up on the basics, then adjust in applications.

o kaip tie visi žmonės, kaip minėta [chronologiškai], tie, kurie neturi žemės? Kaip jie šoktų į šį tarpžemyninį dalijimosi žeme džiaugsmą?

Jie dirbtų už akcijas, gyventų žemėje. Žinoma, visi būtų laukiami, tačiau tikimasi, kad jie bus naudingi. Tai nesiskiria nuo to laiko, kai stoji į komuną. Eik ten, susipažink su žmonėmis. Jie nusprendžia, ar tu jiems patinki, ar ne. Tačiau jei turime bendrą pinigų sistemą ir žmonės uždirba kreditų už naudingus dalykus ir nešioja reputaciją kaip parašas internete, procesas taps daug lengvesnis ir būsime daug laisvesni. Doleris tam tikra prasme yra gražus, todėl visuotinai priimtas. Tai sukurs tą pačią laisvę, tačiau bendruomenė bus pridėta kaip premija. Be to, žmonės gins savo reputaciją, nes tai yra jų bilietas į laisvę. Tai vertingiau už pinigus. Pinigai gali nusipirkti paprastą bilietą į egzotišką vietą, tačiau jums nuobodu per savaitę ar dvi. Daug geriau ateiti ir prisijungti prie gyvybingos bendruomenės kaip garbingas svečias. Pinigai to neperka. Jūsų reputacija tai daro. Daugiau jokių nusikaltimų ir apgaudinėjimų. Ne verta.

what about all those people, like [chronological] mentioned, those without land? How would they jump onto this intercontinental land-sharing joy?

They would work for shares,to live on the land. Of course, anyone would be welcome, but they would be expected to be useful. Its not different then joining a commune right now. You go there, get to know folks. They decide if they like you or not. But, if we have a common monetary system, and people earn credits for doing useful stuff, and carry reputation with them as online signature, the process will become much easier, and we will be much freer. Dollar is kinda nice in a sense its so universally accepted. This will create the same kinda freedom, but community added as a bonus. Also,people will protect their reputation, for thats their ticket to freedom. Thats more valuable then money. Money might buy a plain ticket to exotic place,but youll get bored in a week or two. Much better to come and join a vibrant community as an honored guest. Money does not buy that. Your reputation does. No more crime and cheating. Not worth it.

Ir dar vienas dalykas. Kai žmonės sukuria šiuos DAO ir organizacijas, jie turi mažai bendrumo ir juos sunku susieti su bet kokio tipo tinklu. Mums tikrai reikia bendrų įrankių, kad galėtume organizuoti didesnį mastą. Šiuo metu jo negalima keisti. Tai problema.

And another thing. When people do create these DAOs and orgs, they have little commonality and hard to link into a net of any kind. We really need some common tools,to organize on larger scale. Its not scalable right now. Thats a problem.

dar viena mintis. Geriausiai žmones motyvuoja aukšti moraliniai tikslai. Laisvė, demokratija, bendruomenė, dalijimasis. Tai rezonuoja. Siūlau tai pabrėžti dėl galimo piniginio pelno. Norėdami sukurti tinklus, kuriuos matau, turime pavergti savo vizijomis. Tada mes suteikiame daugiau galimybių įrankiais, gairėmis ir pavyzdžiais. Beveik nesvarbu, ar planas bus pakeistas kita kryptimi. Yra daug būdų eiti. Bet mes turime eiti bendra teisinga linkme. Mes galime kažką pradėti, kiti baigs.

yet another thought. People are best motivated by high moral goals. Freedom, democracy, community, sharing. That resonates. I propose to emphasise that,over potential monetary gaines. To create networks I see, we need to enspire with our visions. Then we empower by tools and roadmaps and examples. It almost does not matter if the roadmap will be repaved in some other direction. There are many ways to go. But we have to go in the general right direction. We can get something started, others will finish.

cia kita ideja. Vieta, kur žmonės gali pristatyti savo pradedančias ir esamas bendruomenes tinklaraščių būdu, gyvo dienoraščio stiliumi, kad pritrauktų donorus ir investuotojus. Tai gali būti dar viena priemonė. Sukurkite savo DAO, savo organizacijos struktūrą ir sužinokite viską per vieną dieną. Padaryta. Draugų grupė gali susitvarkyti, padėdama vietiniams benamiams ar kitoms reikalingoms bendruomenės paslaugoms, gauti palaikymą ir sukurti bendruomenę, prisijungti prie pasaulinio tinklo ir iš tikrųjų statyti kaimelį. Žodis skleis ir pakils. Pradedantiesiems galime išspręsti benamių problemą. Tiesą sakant, jaučiu stiprų jausmą, kol paskutiniai benamiai bus apgyvendinti, daugelis kitų problemų, įskaitant visuotinį atšilimą, bus išspręstos.

heres another idea. A place where people can introduce their budding and existing communities,in a bloging kinda way, live diary style, to attract donors and investors. It can be another tool. Create your DAO, your org structure, and get known, all in one day. Done. A group of friends can get organized around helping local homeless folks or some other needed community service, and get supported and create a community, and join a global net, and actually build a village close by. The word will spread and itll take off. We can solve homeless problem, for starters. Actually, i have a strong feeling, by the time last homeless is housed, many other issues, including global warming, will be solved.

įdomu skaityti apie pavadinimo žetonus. Labai informatyvus. Dėkoju. Nesu tikras, kiek tai čia aktualu. Žinoma, žemės nuosavybės teisės kažkaip bus teisiškai įregistruotos. Galbūt šios narių akcijos gali būti įregistruotos kaip dalinės nuosavybės ženklai. Galbūt tai gali būti dar vienas sluoksnis, nepriklausantis vyriausybės įrašams, galiojantis tik bendruomenėje arba platesnis bendruomenės tinklas. Nesu tikras, kad tai turi pripažinti vyriausybė. Organizaciją galima užregistruoti valdžios institucijose kaip oficialų žemės savininką. Nežinau. Tai legalumai. Kažkas gali tai išsiaiškinti. Tiesiog toliau rašysiu savo kodą. Svarbiausia, kai mes tai išsiaiškinsime, galime jį koduoti kaip tipą ir visi tinklo nariai gali jį naudoti.

interesting read about title tokens. Very informative. Thanks. Im not sure how relevant it is to here. Of course land titles will be registered legally somehow. Maybe, those member shares can be registered as partial ownership tokens. Maybe, it can be another layer outside of gov record keeping, valid only within the community, or wider community net. Im not sure it needs to be recognized by government.An org can be registered with authorities as official land owner. I dont know. Those are legalities. Someone can figure it out. Ill just keep writing my code. Whats important, once we figure it out, we can code it as a type and everyone in the network can use it.

taip, nėra kelio aplink valstiją. Man patinka žinoti, kaip kolektyvo nariai yra užtikrinti jų nuosavybės teise. Asya, ji paaukojo tą DAO pavyzdį, sako, kad jie suformuos žemės trestą ir pasirašys bendruomenės narius kaip patikėtiniai. Nežinau, ar galima įrašyti akcijas, bet tam tikru momentu turėtume pradėti tvarkyti savo įrašus, jei valstybė yra patenkinta. Aš palaikau savo bylą dėl nežinojimo ir susidomėjimo stokos. Be to, kiekvienoje šalyje tai bus skirtinga. Štai kodėl tinklas yra naudingas. Bus ištekliai šiems galvos skausmams išspręsti, tipiški bendruomenės sprendimai kodo ir receptų pavidalu bei teisininkai.

yes, theres no way around the state. Id love to know how members of the collective be assured of their ownership right. Asya, she donated that DAO sample, says they will form a land trust and sign community members as trustees. I dont know if shares can be recorded, but at some point we would have to start keeping our records,provided the state is satisfied. I rest my case for ignorance and lack of interest. Also, itll be different in each country. Thats why a network is helpful. There will be resources to solve these headaches, typical solutions provide by community, in form of code and recipes, and lawyers.

Hmm, būtų naudinga prie idėjos pridėti žodyną, t. Y. DAO, NFT ir kitų aprašyme naudojamų techninių terminų reikšmes. Galvoju - norėčiau pasidalinti šia idėja su kai kuriais savo draugais, kuriems rūpi benamystės ir būsto problemos sprendimas, tačiau jie nežino apie galimus techninius sprendimus. Taigi, norint į tą patį puslapį įtraukti įvairius žmones, techninės žargono santrauka būtų labai naudinga. :)

Hmm it'd be helpful to attach a dictionary to an idea, i.e. the meanings of DAO, NFT and other technical terms used in the description. Thinking - I'd like to share this idea with some of my friends who care about solving a problem of homelessness and housing, but they wouldn't be aware of technical solutions available. So to bring diverse people on the same page, a summary of technical jargon would be so helpful. :)

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    : skihappy
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// būtų naudinga prie idėjos pridėti žodyną

Tai puiki idėja - žodžiai kiekvienam įrašui, kur vartotojai savo žodžiais apibrėžia, ką jie turi omenyje ... nes, mano supratimu, kai kurie žmonės labai nesirūpindami kalba, iš kokio konteksto paėmė vieną ar kitą žodį, ir iškart daro prielaidą, kad kiti supras juos, ką jie turėjo omenyje. Nors man patinka tam naudoti hipersaitus: jei manote, kad vienas ar kitas žodis bus dviprasmiškas - tiesiog hipersaitas į apibrėžimą. Tam buvo išrastas hipertekstas.

// it'd be helpful to attach a dictionary to an idea

It's a great idea -- vocabularies per post, where users define what they mean with their words... because, my sense is that some people talk without much care what context they had taken one or other word from, and immediately assuming that others will understand them for what they meant. Though, I like to use hyperlinks for that: if you think one or other word will be ambiguous -- just hyperlink to definition. Hypertext was invented for that.

    : Ruta
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Gera idėja apie žodynus ir nuorodas. Daug kartų, kai baigsite žodynėlį, nebeliko daug ką aprašyti. Ar galiu čia naudoti gfm formatą? Ar galiu susieti „ssme doc“ ir turėti žodyno skyrių? Aš to nedarau tiesiog dėl nepatogumų. Ačiū už pasiūlymus.

Good idea about glossaries and links. A lot of times, by the time you done with glossary, not much left to describe. Can i use gfm format here. Can i link inside ssme doc, and have a glossary section? I dont do it simply for inconvenience. Thanks for suggestions.

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    : Ruta
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