Created a community reader at 0oo.li/io, so we can read external sources in a form that makes it easy organize and reshare to 0oo for deliberation.
For the first time user to understand what's going on, had modified /welcome page, for it to more clear, styled add Question/Idea/Project buttons and search fields in homepage.
Added flashcards for learning Earthlanguage keyborad with Anki.
Here is a video how to use.
I've added a simple CSS-only chrome extension, to enable anyone to try out talking in EL. This has a limitation of mixing in English though, and a JS-based solution may be needed as a further improvement.
Created and packaged experimental python script to translate YAML with keys defined using concept IDs of concept dictionaries, like WikiData.
Wrote and published a paper (pre-print), named "Big Picture for Everyone: The relationship between the equation model and base vectors for mapping human semantic space."
Creation of MDY token.
For purpose of the market, i.e., what's currently on 0oo.li/i0 . That is, because the interface of the market is radically different, and would be the priority index for many "normal" people, who just want to find people, companies and products. So, it merits a convenient direct access point.
Created a kind of shares of this project, that people can order, to become a part of the 0oo.li project.
These shares would provide certain rights and responsibilities, and entail a particular relationship ("membership") with the people within the 0oo, as the 0oo is geared to become "a community as a product" type of project.
What kind of community are we?
(answer to be drafted in a document)
If you feel like you would be part of such a community, get a share to support its creation.
Atsargos: +1.0,
Check in the link, there is a YouTube link.
2 days, approx 16 hours at 50$/hr.