Making money too difficult
Why does making money have to be so difficult?
It could be really easy to make money. How?
Nėra sub-kategorijų.
metodas Socialising making money
Society has problems that have rewards, society should openly share ways of making money
metodas Chain of necessity or chain of distribution
In a group effort there are people who contribute more than others - there are those who contribute time and those who contribute money. There are others who do one off help. We should reward all these people fairly.
Darau prielaidą, kad, uždirbdamas pinigus, turite omenyje plačiai pripažintos naujos valiutos paleidimą?
I presume, by making money, you mean launching a widely recognized new currency?
Ne, turiu omenyje užsidirbti pinigų iš darbo ar investuoti.
No, I mean earning money from work or investing.
Pakankamai sąžininga, taip dauguma žmonių sugalvotų „užsidirbti pinigų“ - rinkti taškus.
Fair enough, that is how most people would think of "making money" -- collecting points.